Healthy Eating
Access to Healthy Food Outlets @2Miles
Increased number of residents living within 2 miles of healthy food outlets
Danville/Pittsylvania - 59,853 residents
Caswell - 1483 residents
Access to Healthy Food Outlets @.5 Miles
Increased number of residents living within .5 miles of healthy food outlets
Danville/Pittsylvania - 8,222 residents
Caswell - 52 residents
Food Assistance Programs at Local Farmers’ Markets
Increased number of SNAP/EBT, SFMNP and WIC redemptions and recipients at farmers’ markets based on dollars spent
Danville Market - $2,155 - Double Bucks - $4,310
Virginia Grown Market - 1 Transaction
Semora Market - $80 - Double Bucks + Church Van Incentive - $200.00