What must we create, shift, remove?

Caswell County

Graphic recording from Celebrating Caswell 2020


Formed in 2018, the Caswell Chapter of The Health Collaborative is working to implement, at the local level, the Health for All Action Plan.

Recognizing that members of our community are the experts on their own experiences, the Caswell Chapter has embraced a Community-Centered Health approach. 

When we consider both the assets, and deficits of our community, social cohesion and social capital become vital components of our community wealth-building strategies which have a goal of collaborative, inclusive, and locally controlled economies. Focusing on increasing community capacities will in turn allow community members more equitable access to opportunity and a greater ability to improve their health and well-being.

We focus on the following three fundamental community wealth building strategies:

1.     Create or recreate our physical and social infrastructure

2.     Build strong, trusting individual, community, and institutional relationships

3.     Break silos to increase capacity and collaboration within our community


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